Chairman’s review June 2014

Dear fellow residents,

Much has happened in my first three months as your Chairman, and we have achieved some notable results for you, in the face of poor conduct of certain Conservative councilors.

I encourage you to read all the articles, especially “Situations Vacant”, and “West Windsor’s Neighbourhood Plan Open Evening” on 7 July, but I will start with the untimely death of our much loved Councilor Cynthia Endacott.

Cllr Cynthia Endacott

Cynthia has been a driving force locally for more than two decades. She was always on hand to fight against injustice, and hold the ruling parties to account, something we continue to do for example with the decision about the Queen pub, and our prior exclusion from the Neighbourhood Plan.

She has helped thousands of people including my own step-son Wayne, when he was a teenager. And her husband John Endacott, and former WWRA Chairman, John Holdstock write later in this newsletter.

If you don’t, who will?

It is important to take stock of Cynthia’s legacy, and then we, you and I, should take up Cynthia’s mantle and be a force for good in our local community. If you don’t, who will?

With this in mind, I would urge you to a) volunteer to help us, b) vote for the WWRA sponsored Independent candidate, and c) help promote them to your neighbours.

The future of Windsor is in your hands.

I look forward to meeting you at the 7 July Open Evening.

Have a great summer, and remember to vote for our sponsored candidate.


Wisdom Da Costa
