WWRA awarded Key Ally status by Plastic Free Windsor in recognition of its environmental activities and eco ethos.
Plastic Free Windsor recently announced that the West Windsor Residents Association has been awarded Key Ally status in recognition of the continuing action they and their members are taking to reduce their dependence on single use plastics and improve the quality of their local environment.
Paul Hinton, leader of Plastic Free Windsor said, “We are delighted to recognize West Windsor Residents Association as a Plastic Free Ally to the Plastic Free Windsor campaign. The enthusiasm with which they received the Plastic Free message at their recent AGM was an inspiration, as was their immediate offer to work with a local supermarket and help reduce the amount of single use plastic packaging made available in the store. Thank you WWRA for your support.”

WWRA Chair, Richard Endacott, is quoted, “I am delighted that as a result of members of The West Windsor Residents Association committing to exploring plastic free alternatives, the Association has been awarded accreditation. This demonstrates the passion and great strides our members have already made towards reducing the amount of plastic in our community. Alongside our partners Plastic Free Windsor we would like to extend the invitation to all within the local West Windsor community, to support the Plastic Free Windsor campaign by reducing the amount of plastic used in our daily lives. ”
Carole Da Costa, WWRA Secretary, who led the push for the PFW accreditation, helping PFW and, ingenious in reducing the use of plastics in her own life, said, “I am so pleased the West Windsor Residence Association has achieved this accreditation, we are mindful of our own personal use of single use plastic, as well as what we introduce into the community via the association. This is a cause very close to my heart, and I am proud to be part of showing the way forward in reducing single use plastic, and caring for our local and greater community. ”

WWRA Councillor, Wisdom Da Costa, has been instrumental in helping with PFW events and also, ensuring that the Council resolution passed in December 2018, was robust and accountable. He said, “It is tough for ordinary residents to reduce their carbon and plastic footprints so, through local government I will seek to help residents and businesses with education, increased incentivisation and, at a Council level push for radical improvement in our supply chains and contractors as well as reviewing our own internal progress. We all need to do our part to adopt ways of doing things that will enhance our land for our children and descendants.”

More information
Plastic Free Windsor
Plastic Free Windsor are an enthusiastic group of local volunteers working under the umbrella of the Surfers Against Sewage Plastic Free Communities campaign to continuously reduce the availability of, and demand for, single-use plastic in the town.
Join the Plastic Free Windsor community at https://www.facebook.com/plasfreewindsor/
Surfers Against Sewage and the Plastic Free movement
The Plastic Free movement was created by Surfers Against Sewage to free where we live from single-use plastics. It’s not about removing all plastic from our lives but, it is about kicking our addiction to avoidable single-use plastic, and changing the system that produces it and, Surfers Against Sewage have created the resources and methodology to help turbocharge people, businesses and councils collaborating and taking action on a critical issue of our generation.
Sign up for your personal action pack at https://www.sas.org.uk/individual-action/
More information at https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-free-communities/