Here are the imprints for the three WWRA Candidates
Clewer & Dedworth East Ward

Carole Ann DA COSTA
All material: published and promoted by Richard Endacott of 6 Kingsfield, Windsor, SL4 5RH on behalf of Carole Da Costa
Leaflet 1: printed personally by candidate and also Run-Print-Run of 29 Stoke Rd, Slough SL2 5AH
Main campaign leaflet: printed personally by Run-Print-Run of 29 Stoke Rd, Slough SL2 5AH
Other leaflets:

Clewer & Dedworth West Ward
Wisdom Methodious DA COSTA
All material: published and promoted by Richard Endacott of 6 Kingsfield, Windsor, SL4 5RH on behalf of Wisdom Da Costa
Leaflet 1: printed personally by candidate and also Run-Print-Run of 29 Stoke Rd, Slough SL2 5AH
Main campaign leaflet: printed by Run-Print-Run of 29 Stoke Road, Slough SL2 5AH
Other leaflets:
Jonathan DAVEY
All material: published and promoted by Richard Endacott of 6 Kingsfield, Windsor, SL4 5RH on behalf of Jonathan (Jon) Davey
Leaflet 1: printed personally by candidate and also Run-Print-Run of 29 Stoke Rd, Slough SL2 5AH
Main campaign leaflet: printed by Run-Print-Run of 29 Stoke Road, Slough SL2 5AH
Other leaflets:

West Windsor Residents Association
Published and promoted by Richard Endacott of 6 Kingsfield, Windsor, SL4 5RH on behalf of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA)